International cooperation projects for organizations

Current projects

We are one – how can we all live sustainably and have fun at the same time?

This youth exchange takes place in Weinburg, an Austrian town with magnificent landscapes and mountains. We create encounters, intensive experiences and explore different ways of a sustainable lifestyle - not only for the preservation of our nature but also for the well-being and prospering of ourselves and our communities. We work together with Asociatia de Tineret ONIX (Romania), MAEK (Italy) and Jugendinfo NÖ/JLW (Austria) and we aim to connect young people from different rural areas. Key components of the project are strengthening mental and physical health for a sustainable lifestyle and empowering young people to choose environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions in their life and in their communities. We also help youngsters to experience participation, self-discovery, tolerance and understanding in a European spirit.


Exploring new ways of connecting youth work and cultural heritage brought us to this partnership between Nouseva Rannikkoseutu, Hyvärilä youth centre and Liminka municipality youth services (Finland), association Jarron Club (Spain), and Alytus youth centre (Lithuania). Together with young people, youth work professionals and representatives of the cultural field will discover exciting and engaging ways to use cultural heritage for youth programs and creative projects. Young people will develop leadership skills and use creativity to co-create together with international peers, interpreting local history and culture through various artistic means. Youth-led initiatives will be presented and shared within international YOUTH+CULTURE event.

Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme within KA2 for exchange of good practices in 2021-2023

Art Escape

As a response to COVID-19 restrictions and a higher demand for outdoors programs, within Art Escape project we will create outdoors escape rooms with thematic lines based on local cultural heritage: myths, fairy-tales and epics. This project is a connection between youth work and cultural heritage, between digital programs and outdoors activities and escape challenges. Research and best methods of designing outdoors escape rooms will be available to youth workers within an online training. Our goal is to help youth workers create their own outdoors escape rooms regardless of where they are and tailored to their intangible cultural heritage. Together with partners from CODEC Europe (Belgium), Badgecraft (Ireland), JumpIN HUB (Portugal), Plan Be (Cyprus) and System and G (Greece) we will learn, research and inspire.

Funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme within KA2 for innovation in 2021-2023

Green school

The project is creating a Green school model as a school addressing global environmental problems in the local community by education and practical youth-led action. The schools will get a model of practical involvement of youth in environmental action. The Green school model, formulated as a result of summarizing and developing experiences of the best Karelian educators, will be tested in 6 pilot schools (3 in Finland and 3 in the Republic of Karelia) and disseminated inside and outside the region. The project is implemented by Karelian Education Development Fund (Russia) in partnership with Hyvärilä youth centre (Finland) and Regional ecology and biology center named by Kim Andreev (Finland).

Funded by ENI CBC Karelia programme in 2018–2020

Project page


The project is aimed at development of local filmmaking resources in the Republic of Karelia and Finland, and increasing the attractiveness of the border areas for living and doing business. The project is run by Karelian Cinematographers Union (Russia) in partnership with Petrozavodsk State University, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia, Centre of National cultures of the Republic of Karelia (Russia), and Reguaonal development agency Business Joensuu, Hyvärilä youth centre, East Finland Film Commission, Karelia University of applied sciences (Finland).

Funded by ENI CBC Karelia programme in 2019-2020

Project page

Trade knowledge

Based on previous experience of organizing camps for young people interested in learning traditional TRADE of the area, professionals from cultural and youth sectors will explore opportunities for better quality programs and exchanges. The project implies exchange of good practices between professionals in the filed of youth work and cultural heritage: Plan it Be it (Cuprus), Zavod Dobra Pot (Slovenia), Nurmes Museum and Hyvärilä youth centre (Finland).

Funded by Erasmus+ programme in 2019-2020.

Project page

Stay connected: digital youthwork in rural areas across the border

This project will continue cooperation between schools and youth organizations of North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia. In 2020-2022 teachers and youth workers from Finland and Russia will share their best practices in using digital methods, and learn new methods which they can use in the classroom and within non-formal education programs. Two trainings for youth workers and teachers, and eight international exchanges will bring together participants from small municipalities along the Finnish and Russian border. They will learn together, make friends, explore culture and language of the neighboring country, and improve digital skills along the way.

Funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture

Escape town

Escape Town

This project empowers youth in rural settings and compensates for the difficulties they may encounter growing up in these rural areas. In this project, we want to show the value of environmental wealth and the cultural heritage of our municipalities and promote the values of respect and protection of them. We want to network with other similar rural areas in Europe, offer Erasmus+ and ESC mobility opportunities to our young people and learn from their good practices in youth work. In this project, we will do “escape-room” type games but in the whole municipality, outdoors, with riddles and challenges that they will have to overcome to solve the mystery that will arise in each town. For 24 months we will meet to coordinate virtually and in person. Organizations from 4 countries (Finland, Spain, Hungary and Germany) will work as a team to create good quality activities and products.

Contact us

Ekaterina Sysoeva
International Coordinator
Hyvärilä Youth and Holiday Centre
tel. +358 (0)50 570 8634

Project archive

Find out about international cooperation projects implemented in Hyvärilä in the recent years. Here you can learn about our history of international youth exchanges, volunteering projects, international cooperation projects with schools and organizations.

Visit the project archive